Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chris Pinto's Articles


From: TS
Subject: Re: It speaks for itself
Date: 11 January 2011
Thanks for the link, DW. Interesting to consider how mind-control programming often reveals its own method.
One seriously has to wonder at this point in the proceedings how far Rome goes to expose herself, in order to then discredit the quality of the information exposed by having the most omnipresent “public faces” of the Roman World Order Agenda exposure movement (such as it is).
The standard line of thought that has been conjured into being (as all “standard lines of thought” inevitably are) over the past few years is that the Jesuits & Papal-loyal orders would never expose Rome’s position in the shadow power structure – preferring instead to divert all attention to the covertly aligned Masonic & Occult orders & Israeli/Zionist factions. To my mind it has become increasingly clear that the Jesuit Roman power block would control & have its gatekeepers & place people within the very movement ostensibly dedicated to revealing her true demonic nature.
How would this be achieved? And aren’t attacks on high profile Jesuit exposers proof that Rome would never reveal her true machinations?
Going back to the Mind Control angle: This seems the most likely way to achieve the set-up of a false movement. Have individuals who are so convinced of the genuineness of their own ideology that they can convince most who come in contact with them that they are the genuine article. The Manchurian candidates would likely come from backgrounds where mind control is mandatory training procedure: the US military forces (army, navy, etc.) would be fertile ground for potential assets of this type to be observed & selected. If the attacks can primarily focus on the more easily discredited notions & peculiar ways of certain key individuals within any movement, then no matter how good the quality of the bulk of the information such figures have brought forth, that information – & information from others that provides compatible supporting evidence – will be seen as contaminated goods. Often such attacks are not even necessary, as the asset does such a great job without need of extra assistance.
Then mission accomplished: Resistance effectively neutralised.
Caveat emptor: Let the buyer beware.
Godspeed -

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