Thursday, August 22, 2013

More Research on the Butler

Lee Daniels = Precious, Monsters Ball, Now The Butler-

My instincts told me that after Lee Daniels 'Monstrosity at the Ball', & then in collaboration w Mad-Dear, Oprah & Sapphire for [definitely NOT] 'Precious'- that when I saw Oprah hyping 'The Butler' again directed by Lee Daniels- that it was bound to be a slick hot mess.
I reckoned Jay-Z had little respect for his Black elders when he dissed Harry Belafonte'- but in case there was any doubt- Russell Simmons comes out w this sleazy porno crap RE Harriett 'Lady Moses' Tubman- who Jay-Z ain't even fit to touch the bottom of her shoes- let alone have his name mentioned in the same breath w hers. He's the epitome' of the saying 'A legend in his own little bitty mind'!
For negroes like Jay-Z, Lee Daniels, Mad-Dear [& even Oprah?]- there's nothing sacred RE Black folks historical experience- especially if by dissing it they can get paid in the process! There's a word for that IE: whoredom!!!


Kushite Prince says:
Thanks Pam. I definitely agree with you. You will always be rewarded if you do “certain” roles in Hollywood. I was watching this interview yesterday on CNN. With Cuba Gooding,Lee Daniels and Kravitz. I thought it was very interesting. Lenny Kravitz that “the world is much better in general”. He’s speaking in terms of race relations and also says that the younger generation is less racist. But Lee Daniels says that people are upset that Obama is president. And that they are starting to show their “true colors” I thought it was interesting that they saw the world s differently. Of course I know both could just be saying this for the cameras. You never know what to believe when black celebs are talking. Since most have sold out anyway.


TrojanPam says:
@ Kushite
Thanks for sharing the video!


mstoogood4yall says:
you right again ur highness. I think they hire ppl with white spouses or are mixed race more because that money will go back into white hands. Those men are married to white women so that money would go into their hands when the black men die. It seems to me that lee daniels is more aware than lenny kravitz and cuba gooding, he did not want his name attached to this film and now he’s saying that America is getting worse, lenny says otherwise. Idk I think some are less brainwashed than others in hollyweird but they still more brainwashed than the general public imo.


Kushite Prince says:
I was looking at the people involved in this film and it got me thinking.
Lee Daniels-Homosexual(anti-sexual)
Cuba Gooding Jr-married to a white woman
David Oyelowo-married to a white woman
Terrence Howard-ex wife is Asian,and dates many non black women
Lenny Kravitz- dated actress Nicole Kidman among numerous other white women.
I think Forest Whitaker is the only black actor in the film married to a black woman. Does anyone else see a pattern of anti-blackness here? When they cast these films they know exactly who to put in these roles. Nothing is by accident in Hollywood. Just an observation.


TrojanPam says:
@ Kushite
That’s a great observation, and more important than we realize, the TYPE of black people that get rewarded by Hollywood, many are blacks that do NOT date or marry or even relate to other black people. Homosexuality is also rewarded, especially among black males, regardless of what we think about homosexuality.


TrojanPam says:
@ C.Andrews
unfortunately ALL the prominent blacks — be they preacher, teacher, professor, politician, entertainer — are puppets for the white supremacists.
it’s like they’ve all been hypnotized or seduced or brainwashed and they must march to the white supremacist drummer’s beat
almost like they’ve fallen victim to a band of white supremacists body snatchers who have removed any bit of pride or self-respect they ever had
I mean, Russell Simmons doing a sex video about Harriet Tubman???
he should be forced to turn himself over to the NEAREST INSANE ASYLUM
it’s no loss to me personally, I don’t NEED them to THINK for me. That’s why God gave me a brain. I don’t need them to interpret the world for me. That’s why God gave me a BRAIN.
I know what they are, even though I don’t know WHY they are what they are
but I know they are being used to prop up this DYING, wicked system and they should ALL be avoided like the plague
because their SICKNESS and MENTAL ILLNESS and CORRUPT SPIRITS will infect you if you fall for their tricks.


TrojanPam says:
@ Victoria Williams
Yes, I said it was blaxploitation and escapism. Did anyone watching it think it was realistic?
Are those the only alternatives we have? Django Unchained AND Lee Daniels’ The Butler? I don’t agree.
Being analytical and critical is NOT about being satisfied. It’s about UNDERSTANDING what you are looking at AND understanding that we live under a system of white supremacy AND everything that happens within that system SERVES to strengthen and extend that system.
I cannot shed any “light” on what all black people want — nor would I try. This blog post represents MY VIEWS, no one else’s. I can only speak for myself
and I was one of the black people glued to the TV set whenever the Cosby show came on, BUT I refuse to watch the BUFFOONERY known as Tyler Perry sitcoms
That you think people expressing their views is “whining” and “crying” — well, you are expressing YOUR views. Does that ALSO mean you’re whining and crying, too?
Just asking…
There is NO WAY black people can “come together” without addressing the BIGGEST ISSUE that affects our lives– racism
There is NO WAY black people can “heal” without addressing the MOST DAMAGING aspect of our lives — racism
So, the idea that we can love and heal while we are still being DEVASTATED by racism, police brutality, unemployment, racial dislocation (aka gentrification), being warehoused in prisons, inferior schools, etc — is something I don’t get.
so we will just have to agree to disagree.


TrojanPam says:
@ Victoria Williams
I agree that we are dominated by whites — but I would add that the racist white woman is his co-conspirator, make NO mistake about that. She shares in the spoils of an immoral system and sits by his side,
I also agree that we need to radically change what we tell our black youth, that instead of focusing on a getting (begging for) a good job that most of them will not get,
we must tell them the truth about racism AND why they MUST focus on getting a TRADE, a SKILL that will teach them HOW TO DO SOMETHING that people will pay for and work toward entrepreneurship instead of feeding the college loan industry that puts thousands of students in financial jail for the rest of their lives, trying to pay off loans working temporary and minimum wage jobs.
Our children should NOT be taught that they should have to work TWICE as hard as though that is “NORMAL” and acceptable to be mistreated and their only response should be to “PROVE” themselves to their abusers???
How absurd and wrong-headed! No wonder our children are suffering, but it’s understandable at the same time, because we are doing the SAME THINGS, trying to “prove” ourselves human over and over again to people who more than likely will still despise us
EVEN while we SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, SPEND our money with businesses that won’t hire us, that don’t want us in their stores, that seat us by the kitchen of their restaurants, tipping and being OVER COURTEOUS to white waiters and waitresses to impress them that we are not ordinary “niggers,”
wearing white people’s names on our clothes even when they DO NOT WANT THEIR CLOTHING ASSOCIATED WITH BLACK PEOPLE, driving cars we sometimes can’t afford, trying to BUY OUR SELF-ESTEEM with THINGS instead of understanding the root cause of why we have less than we should
Our children are learning SUBMISSION and HUMILIATION and MATERIALISM from US.
The only thing I disagree with is the “power of the vote.”
In my opinion, there is NO POWER in voting for rigged elections, where candidates are PRE-SELECTED by those in power and do the BIDDING of those in power. I know we want to believe otherwise, but the EVIDENCE speaks for itself. At the end of the day, the RICH GET RICHER AND EVERYONE ELSE GETS POORER, no matter whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican.
There are no real presidents anymore. They are simply corporate pawns. And the BILLS THAT THEY SIGN INTO LAW ARE WRITTEN BY CORPORATE AMERICA — including the new healthcare bill, which was written by the Healthcare industry, which donated over a hundred million for its passage.
What does that tell us?
It’s time to open our EYES and see what is right in front of us.

TrojanPam says:
@ Victoria
There is a book, “Tragedy and Hope,” written by Carroll Quigley, a member of the “white elite” who revealed how the two-party system in the U.S. worked:
Here’s a direct quote from his book:
“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.”
And when you look at what bills have been signed into law AND extended, every single one of the “Acts” Bush passed were EXTENDED by the Obama administration. And under the Obama administration at least THREE new “free trade” bills were passed — bills that literally MOVE jobs out of the United States into poor, non-white countries where the people will be terribly exploited making only a few dollars a day
AND keep in mind that black unemployment is still climbing while the Obama administration sends jobs OUT of the country AND brings in more legal AND illegal immigrant labor.
I’m not blaming President Obama because that’s like blaming the spokesman for a corporation who is simply SAYING and DOING what he or she is TOLD to do. That spokesman doesn’t make ANY decisions — NONE — he or she is just the FACE on the policies so people will have someone to throw rocks at
He is a SCAPEGOAT — and that’s why I don’t blame him OR praise him because neither position makes any sense (to me).
I could say so much more but that’s off topic, but I will share a few links on President Obama that might be food for thought on my other blogsite: The Black Code Files
Also, there are sound clips by Mr. Neely Fuller, Jr. and from The C.O.W.S. (definitely worth checking out!)


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